Principal's Message


Er. Sanjib Kumar Raysingh

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News & Events

  • BoC Scholarship Registration Notice  |  | January 29, 2025 | Read more...

  • Placement Drive_Godrej  |  | January 24, 2025 | Read more...

  • Honda Motor India_Placement Drive  |  | January 24, 2025 | Read more...

  • Maruti Suzuki Placement Drive  |  | January 24, 2025 | Read more...

  •   Placement Drive for Male Only  |  | January 22, 2025 | Read more...

  •   Placement Drive 21-01-2025  |  | January 20, 2025 | Read more...

  •   Placement Notice_20-01-2025  |  | January 17, 2025 | Read more...

  •   Merit-Cum-Poverty Stipend Notice  |  | January 6, 2025 | Read more...

  •   Placement Drive_L & T  |  | December 23, 2024 | Read more...

  •   Placement Drive_Phillips_CPC  |  | December 3, 2024 | Read more...

Role Models

Anil Suvadarshi Jena
Anil Suvadarshi Jena | Electrician

Anil Suvadarshi Jena , brought up from a poor family of a rural village of district Jajpur. The financial conditions of his family urged him to provide support to the family. His dream was to be a professional in Technical field. He successfully passed in Electrician trade during 2008 from ITI, Cuttack. His devotion followed by determination and hard work favoured him to find a job as Technician in Power Grid Corporation of India Lid. (PGCIL) with a attractive salary of 6 lakhs per annum. 

Employer's Name & Address:PGCIL, 
Year: 2008

Archana Rout
Archana Rout | Refrigeration and Air condition

Archana Rout born in a middle class family of village Haladibasanta of Cuttack. After completion of HSC she decided to opt for any Technical Training. She preferred to take admission in ITI, Cuttack and completed training in Refrigeration and Air condition Trade during 2007. Being a woman, her eagerness to acquire skill made her a good technician. Her long cherished dream came true. Now, she is working as COLD CHAIN TECHNICIAN in National Health Mission. 

Employer's Name & Address:NHM, 
Year: 2007

Bikash Kumar Sethy
Bikash Kumar Sethy | Electrician

Bikash Kumar Sethy belongs to village Hazipur of district Jagatsinghpur. His father is a small farmer. He is the only son of his family having two sisters. Due to poor financial condition of his family he couldn’t go for higher study. He preferred to take admission in ITI, Cuttack in Electrician Trade during 2011 . He has been recruited in East Coast Railway during 2015 as TM in Engineering Deptt. 

Employer's Name & Address:E.C. Railway, 
Designation:TM in Engineering Deptt
Year: 2015

Chandan Kumar Tripathy
Chandan Kumar Tripathy | Refrigeration & Air Condition

Chandan Kumar Tripalhy born in a poor family of village Belarasasan of Bhadrak. His father managed to maintain his family as a priest in nearby villages. Being only son of his family urged him to go for earning. He look admission in ITI, Cullack in Refrigeration & Air Condition Trade and completed the training during 2000. Now, he is working as Technician-C in Defence R&D Organization, Chandipur and drawing RS. 40,000/- PM.

Employer's Name & Address:DRDO, Chandipur
Year: 2000

Chinmaya Ranjan Moharana
Chinmaya Ranjan Moharana | Electrician

Chinmaya Ranjan Moharana belongs to a middle class family of village Kabatbandha , dist Dhenkanal. He lost his father from the child hood. Being the only son of his family he had to shoulder up the responsibility of the family, After HSC he preferred for vocational training in order to have an immediate job. He completed training in ITI, Cuttack in Electrician Trade during 2008. He has been recruited in Power Grid Corporation of India ltd.(PGCIL) as Technician with a salary of RS.50,OOO/-PM

Employer's Name & Address:PGCIL, 
Year: 2008

Kabindra Kumar Behera
Kabindra Kumar Behera | Electronics

Kabindra Kumar Bahera belongs to village Ramagam of Cuttack district. The little income of his father earned from daily wages compelled him to shoulder up the family burden. This compulsion urged him to admit in ITI Cuttack. He completed his training in Electronics Trade during 2003.  He then pursued Diploma and successfully completed the course. He is now working as Technician in Rourkela Steel Plant and getting  Rs.28000- per month.

Employer's Name & Address:RSP, Rourkela
Year: 2003

Kartik Chandra Singh
Kartik Chandra Singh | Electronic Mechanic

Kartik Chandra Singh, born in a poor weaver family of village Mahamadpur, managed to complete his schooling amidist much financial hard ship. The financial burden of his family having two brothers and four sisters thrusted upon him to take admission in ITI. He completed training in ITI, Cultack in Electronics Mech. trade during 2005. His keen interest during training made him a good Technician. He has been placed as Service Manager in OPPO Mobiles having a salary of 5.4 lakh per annum.

Employer's Name & Address:OPPO Mobiles, 
Designation:Service Manager
Year: 2005

Mananita Das
Mananita Das | Electrician

Mananila Das brought up from a middle class family. He belongs to Village Poparada, Nayabazar of District Cuttack. His interest to acquire skill urged him to lake admission in ITI after completion of Intermediate Science. He took admission in Electrician Trade and passed during 2014. After successful completion of training he qualified to be recruited by Tala Steel, Jajpur in campus interview during 2015.

Employer's Name & Address:TATA Steel, Jajpur
Year: 2014

Prabhanjan Patra
Prabhanjan Patra | Fitter

Sri Prabhanjan Patra of village Manapur, Kujanga dist Jagatasinghpur completed his training in Fitter Trade during 2014- 2016. His falher is a farmer. Sri Paira after completion of HSC pursued Intermediate Science. But financial
condition of his family urged him to search for a earning source. As such he preferred to take admission in ITI, Cuttack in Fitter Trade and successfully completed in 2016. In the 53rd All India Skill Completion he stood first and declared as “Besl Trainee” by DGE&T, New Delhi, Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship ,Govt. of India.

Year: 2016

Rabindra Tarai
Rabindra Tarai | Civil

Rabindra Tarai is the elder son of his family. He belongs to village Similihand of dist. Cuttack. He was brought up in a very poor family. His father used to maintain his family as a daily laborer. Financial hardship was a constraint for him to pursue higher study. In order to have an immediate financial source he look admission in ITI, Cuttack in Civil Trade during 2004-06. He also has completed Diploma in Civil Engineering. Now he is working as a Sr. Engineer in a Consultancy farm.

Designation:Sr. Engineer
Year: 2006

Santosh Kumar Dora
Santosh Kumar Dora | Civil

Sri Sanlosh Kumar Dora born in a poor family. His father is a farmer and manage a small shop in his village. In order to provide financial support to his family, he took training in ITI in Civil Trade during 2004-2006. After training he pursued Diploma in Civil Engineering. His devotion and hard labour brought him success. He got recruited in TRACKS & TOWER INFRATECH PVT. as Sr. Engineer with a salary of Rs, 40,OOO-PM.

Employer's Name & Address:TRACKS & TOWER INFRATECH PVT, 
Designation:Sr. Engineer
Year: 2006

About The Institute

With the advent of globalization and opening up of Indian Economy to outside world it has become inevitable to produce skilled workforce for healthy growth of industries in order to complete with world market. Keeping in view this aspect, ITI Cuttack is going ahead in its endavour to expand the skill manpower pool of our country. It also aims at pouring its manpower to outside country and to be a world leader in providing cutting edged multi skilled workforce. As such, the Institute has sky- rocketed over the years in moulding its trainees to cutting edge skill by its versatile highly experienced teaching staff, able guidance of the Principal and…

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  • Transform the society through skilled professionals
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Our Vision

  • Our physical & intellectual infrastructure would be among
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Our Values

  • Discipline
  • Integrity
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Notice Board

Campus Notice
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Apprenticeship Notice
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Quotation Call Notice
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Admission Notice
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